Holy Angels Church has gratefully benefited from the thoughtful bequests, via their wills, of parishioners and other friends. Giving to Holy Angels in your will is a great way to leave a positive legacy for the future. It can also reduce the amount of tax paid by the rest of your estate so your family can get the most out of their inheritance. It is never too soon to document your intentions and bequests are revocable and can be modified by you at any time.
You leave a lasting legacy to be remembered.
You lessen the burden of taxes on your family.
You may receive estate tax savings.
A bequest can be made in several ways:
You can gift a specific dollar amount or asset.
You can gift a percentage of your estate.
You can gift from the balance or residue of your estate.
You can make a beneficiary designation of certain assets.
A bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to family, friends or Holy Angels Church as part of your estate plan. We strongly recommend that you consult with your own attorney or estate planning advisor to ensure that the provision you choose best meets your personal circumstances.
1. Specific BequestIf you are considering a bequest but would like to ensure that your bequest will be used for a specific purpose, please let us know. We would be happy to work with you and your attorney to help you identify ways to give and meet your charitable objectives. We will also work with you and your attorney to craft language to accomplish your goals.
If you are making a restricted bequest, we recommend that your attorney include the following provision to give Holy Angels Church flexibility should it no longer be possible for Holy Angels Church to use your gift as you originally intended:
If, in the judgment of the Corporators of Holy Angels Catholic Church, Avenue, Inc., it shall become impossible for Holy Angels Catholic Church to use this bequest to accomplish the specific purposes of this bequest, Holy Angels Catholic Church may use the income and principal of this gift for such purpose or purposes as the Corporators determine is most closely related to the restricted purpose of my bequest.